Sunday, June 07, 2009

Interesting Question #4: What are your summer plans?

Ahh, the hot blazing sun kisses us with a warmth that burns my skin. Unyeilding humidity in South Texas that laughs when you say It'll be cooler this afternoon. And the lack of work duties for a few months.

Such is the life of a teacher. Fortunate for me. Now I'm sure that many of you aren't teachers and probably have to work through summers. I've been there, done that (I hate the prospect of ever working retail EVER again). And as I've been busy this past week, I've got to get caught up with this here blog, so here's this week's question:

What are your plans this summer?

Short and sweet. I'm not gonna give you verbatim every single smidgen of detail. Quite frankly, if you are still reading, then I'm doing good. Instead, I'll just list off a few items for interesting reading's sake and hopefully, you can reciprocate.

  1. Sea World - Bought season passse, so we WILL get our money's worth, or die trying.
  2. Guitar Lessons - The boy earned his guitar. The boy will learn songs.
  3. Astros - Working on scoring tickets, this is a definite maybe.
  4. NASA - Day camp later this summer.
  5. ATX & H-Town - Family and Friends.
  6. FPS - Training in Austin that ends up being a fun trip.
Enough about me. What are your plans? Share and share alike.

As usual, comments are always appreciated.

Final Quote: "School's out for the summer!" - Alice Cooper


Icepick said...

I'm going to lose some pounds, finish another book, and learn more Spanish.

Marilyn said...

Well, I have to work most of the time. So, it will pretty much be like every other week of the, laundry, cooking, washing up, and hanging out after work with my favorite man. :-D But, my benefit year starts July 1st so I will have 3 weeks to use up before next July. I might see if we can have an extra day here and there. We went to my nephew's high school graduation open house this past weekend and it felt as though Mike didn't even get a weekend. So, maybe we can do something special on the July 4th weekend.

The Mert said...

Icepick, you and I share a few similar ideas (and some excess pounds as well it seems). Learning Spanish has been a wonderful attribute in my vocabulary, so good luck with it!

Marilyn, you guys are too dang busy! I'm glad that you're going to be getting a bit of extra time. I hope that you and Dad make good use of it! Don't work too hard, but more so don't lose sight of why you're working!

Kristopher A. Denby said...

Hey, Icepick, I too can pick up what you're putting down. I could stand to shed some fat and learn a few more holas or two.

Serious summer plans are as follows:

*Wrap up this home buying business. Engage in whatever repairs, upgrades, domestic activities necessary.

*Read a dozen books.

*Finish half a dozen short stories.

*Continue teaching my son the martial arts.

*Laugh way more often.

*Strike out on a few road trips.

*Relish the fact that Fall (and my favorite holiday, Halloween) is that much closer.

*Hike and be in nature more.

*Buy my beautiful wife the camera that she deserves so that she can work the magic she was intended to.

For starters.


Kristopher A. Denby said...

Nice post, my brother. By the way. So simple, yet really made me think. I don't think I have been asked that question since grammar school, it seems.

Jessica said...

Work and school. That's going to take up most of my time. I was going to my high school reunion, but I can't afford the trip. I would say something about spending time with my boyfriend, but we aren't speaking to each other right now, and probably won't for a couple of months. Watching DVDs, playing video games, reading, writing, and hanging out with my friends, when I get the chance.

I actually should get more fluent in Spanish, since I forgot most of what I learned in high school, but I'm studying Japanese. I really don't want to try to learn two languages at the same time. Even if the Spanish would really help with work.