Saturday, June 20, 2009

By Any Means Necessary...

Malcom X had the right words, but perhaps he and I are seeing things differently.

I just got done reading an interesting article about a home run in softball called back for a truly heinous reason. Of course, anyone who reads Rick Reilly knows his tone and I really enjoy his articles. But I digress.

At what point do we does winning come at the cost of setting aside our values? When does being right mean more than doing right? Ahh, the confusions of life...

Why this and why now?, you may be asking. Reading the article and having a couple of things happen in a day can do strange things to a person. No, nothing that life altering mind you, but simply the opportunity to really reflect and think about the decisions that a person makes.

I doubt anyone truly enjoys being wrong, nor does anyone truly love the joys of losing. Sometimes that as mundane as an argument with your poker buddy. Sometimes its as large as altering the outcome of a major game. Whatever the seeming scope and breadth of the situation, either have both a correct and a right outcome, which may be the same or not. In the case of the called back homer, the Busch-League call was correct (to a certain extent, but read the article for that) but wrong.

So if you get into an argument like I did today, don't be a jerk about it. Sure, you may be right, but what are you going to win? Sometimes it's just better to accept the situation and shrug, smile, and say okay. Of course, my other mom Deby would just smile her smile and know that she was right.

So Malcom wasn't referring quite to the same as me, but let's imagine if everyone to this train of thought to being good people.

And Renee would simply say "I told you so."

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