Thursday, June 18, 2009

Teacher's Summer: Day 13

Ah, the joys of summer. For all of you hard working folks that don't have summers off, I get to join you on certain days.

As I missed my usual Wednesday entry, I thought about what I did the last few days. See, I was not stuck, but attended this really cool workshop in San Antonio about teaching strategies for struggling readers (this works just as well for regular readers). Obviously I learned so much that I wanted to share, so here we go...

If I didn't scare you off, thanks for staying. The point is that even though most teachers have the summer off, we still have work to do. Obviously this is done in a different capacity. I'll be attending almost two weeks' worth of training through the summer (three down!). I'll be working on various lesson plans, trying to incorporate the trainings and what I've learned.

And I'll be enjoying my summer as best as possible. What else have I done?

I've been playing guitar. Those of you long time readers (yeah Kris and Nelson!) know that I've been playing close to eight months now, and barre chords are coming along nicely. Starting to incorporate more picking (really depending on tablature right now) into the whole chord work. Dylan's bass playing is really coming along. He jests about giving lessons to some neighborhood kids, but he's just teaching them some basic stuff. Dyl does know how to play along to four or five songs, all the while singing. Life is a musical wonderland!

That's about it. I've started my short story and with it, I've kept my focus and written my minimal most days (I am on pace as I wrote more on certain days, but sometimes I'm away from the computer). Hopefully, I can get some valuable feedback from a few folks next month (Kris and Ice Pick, I'm thinking about you guys...).

That's about it for now. Want to say something? Go ahead, I'm too tired to complain. I still got to work out and I am going to watch this movie, The Shooter. Hopefully it's pretty decent.

Final Quote: "Ain't no cure for the summertime blues." - Eddie Cochran

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