Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Piece of 80's: Good-bye Mike

Okay, I'm not going to talk about Michael Jackson's death beyond the tragedy that left three kids without a father.

Instead, as many of you readers know, I did much of my youthful growing in the 80's and as such, have this affinity towards all things 80's.

Michael Jackson played a huge part of that. His music and dance moves were popular and emulated, then mocked and ridiculed, but it was always present. I even remember buying my last Michael Jackson song ("You Are Not Alone" cassette single, it was that long ago...) and listening to it on the drive home along I-45.

He did have an affect on me. For all the controversy that surrounds Michael in the last fifteen years, I choose instead to remember the 80's Michael, big nose and all.

I cribbed this from Guitar Collecting, a lovely website about guitars. This was on YouTube, but I think you get the gist: a nice song played by a great young guitarist.

Cheers to you Michael Jackson, circa 1982.

1 comment:

Kristopher A. Denby said...

He's good, but he needs to really work on his stage presence. :|

That's a joke. What a talented little fella. Very complicated fret work for anyone.

RIP Mike.