Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rant: Cheating Sucks

Cheating sucks.

Cheating kids out of something sucks even more.

Cheating kids out of the experience in a developmental league to stoke your over-inflated ego, well, I think you know where I'm going with this.

As my brother and my bud reads over this (wifey doesn't visit too often...), they are probably thinking "Get over it finally..." Not quite that easy; you let me know when you son and his friends get robbed out of something. Sure it's a part of life, but dammit, my job as a parent is to stand up for them in times like this.

I did do that, in a most respectful way, after the game and in an attempt to keep it private (away from little eyes). I called to his attention the infraction to the rules, which is there to enable equal play for all the players. His initial response? "Hey man, I gotta go for the win." To answer your question, they are nine and ten year olds.

I cited the rules. And he gets mad. "Don't tell me about the rules. I'm the coach." We went to the same clinic man. "Don't step to me like this; it's ...." I could continue, but it gets pretty repetitive (different gym, different rules; asking the underpaid and ill-informed refs; etc.) until the last part.

Frustrated, I walk away, throw my hands in the air, and say "Whatever..." I'm a good ten fifteen feet away when I do this; he queries back, "What? Yeah, walk away; walk away."

The end of the season cannot come soon enough.

I haven't had someone actually want to go to fisticuffs with me...since high school.

Was I the bad guys about all of this? Then why the hell do I feel guilty?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stupid Sunday

It's warming up, but where it's cold enough...

I think I'll ask my mom to make me one of these...

Not stupid, just pretty damn funny in the stupid sense.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

One Guy's Review - Heaven and Hell: My Life with the Eagles

Mexican Bolero.

That's what Don Henley originally wanted to call the song we all now recognize as "Hotel California". Not quite the same ring, eh?

Don Felder was a full fledged member of the group The Eagles, whose main contributions were lead guitar and penning "Hotel California". After being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Following a suit against his former band mates (namely his manager, Don Henley and Glenn Frey), Felder began composing this autobiography about his rise in the music biz and his life with The Eagles.

Heaven and Hell: My Life with the Eagles was originally published in 2008. I won't really go into the whole summary of it (you can click right there to read's Amazon's summary); that's not why we're here, now is it?

What did I think of it?

I like it. Sure enough, it was a great detail into a great guitarist's growth and career, and fall from grace. I found myself really enthralled with Felder's simplicity. This isn't going to win any big time author awards; Felder's a guitar player and songwriter. There's a common-man-telling-his-story realness to it that made for quick and enjoyable reading. Felder's not abashed to share that much of the time in bands revolved around drugs (marijuana, cocaine, and more). He discusses how he would meet his wife, Tom Petty, and many other musicians that would help to give a sound to the 1970's.
What was bad? Here's probably the most interesting part. For me, as I was reading it, I kept going back to the 60 Minutes interview from a few years ago where Don Henley and Glenn Frey were interviewed and the awkwardness of much of the situation. Felder's release was under some really interesting conditions, depending upon your view. And that's the problem with this book. If you are a hard core Henley and/or Frey fan, you probably won't like what this book has to say. What's worse is that you'll probably find yourself shaking your head with a weird disbelieve and saying "I don't doubt it." While I don't know Henley or Frey (but I do like their singing and playing), both are control freaks. This has lent itself to their success, but also to the alienation of many of their band mates (namely Bernie Leadon and Randy Meisner).

Read the various reviews found on Amazon. Most are 4 stars or more, there are a few that bash Felder for...well, bashing his former bandmates (read: Henley and Frey) for giving him the boot. This schism makes reading and buying into Felder's perspective more difficult (I didn't say impossible).

If you've heard "Hotel California", it's worth your time to give this book a check. If you are of the belief that Don Henley does no wrong, you'd best keep on to the next book in the music aisle.
It's a fast read for the most part, with pictures from various points in Felder's life.


C, thanks for your kind words earlier; you really motivated me to finish this review.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Quick Tech: TuneGlue°

So how do you go from Steve Perry and Journey to Cutting Crew?

TuneGlue°, that's how.

I found this little gem of a time wasting music discoverer while cruising on my Google Chrome extension, Feedly (yes, Google does offer some good stuff...).

Before I digress, TuneGlue is a simple tool that allows you to discover common links or threads between bands and artists out there.

For example chances are, if you like The Eagles, then you like Glen Frey and Don Henley. If you like them you will note from the really small pic that those two lead up to Little River Band, Steve Winwood, and Eric Carmen. Have you heard of them? Maybe, maybe not. And that's the point.

I found myself just trying to see how many of the bands/artists I actually knew and was surprised to see the influences and relationships between the nodes. You can choose which to expand, which to delete, and even move them around to a better viewing position.

I didn't like that you couldn't really zoom in or out (at least in the brief time I played with it). But check it out.

Hopefully, I can do a few of these quick tech pieces a week. It just seems like my life's really moving in that direction. Hope you enjoy this piece. And in case you're wondering, I had to Google how to do the little degree sign. It's easier than I thought.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Playing Guitar...Some More

I got to play some guitar seriously yesterday.

Not too terribly often that I get to really jam with my buddy Tom, but when we do, we usually have a great time.

Yesterday was no different. I played rhythm while Tom cut a bit o' lead and Dylan got in on the action with a little drum. More so, I was amazed with the fills that he put in. Dyl-Man is becoming quite a drummer.

Basically, "Jenny Jenny" is turning out quite nice, but I was more impressed with how our improved "Hotel California" turned out. I've been working on some basic progressions with it just to sing and mess around with at the house, and Tom just jumped right in and we played it through, long ass solo and all.

Don Felder penned a great song with that one. I finished his book (with a pending review), and it's a worth read for any Eagle fan, but more so any music lover. Check it out it.

If not, just "sit back and enjoy the magic of rock!"

Eagles - Hotel California
Uploaded by hushhush112. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

Gawd, I love that song...


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stupid Sunday

ReShawn, I can't help but think about you as I write some of this stuff. You truly slay me with some of your FB posts...!

Yeah, it's that time again. Tom Bergeron is droning on in the background amidst another epidosode of AFV. And the brings us to this week's Stupid Sunday.

Part I: Great Sexts Throughout History Think of this as a what might have been, had cellys been around back in the day.

Yeah, it's exactly that. People do stupid things when they imbide a wee bit too much. I won't elaborate; it's already a train wreck.



Saturday, February 13, 2010

Personal Saturday

Basketball, no defense.

Lunch, gratis.

Parking, $15.

Rodeo, $20.

Boots for Beloved, $$$.

Carney Tix, $30.

Whining Kids, Headache x 2.

Chili Cheese Fries, Heartburn.

Quality Time with the Fam, Well Spent.

And you thought this was a priceless bit, didn't you?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Funny: Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect

...walk into a bar and order three beers each.

Name that book...

Give up? Are you close?

The picture is a hint at today's topic.

With the near conclusion of my eBooks: Right or Wrong series, this just felt like something to go with.

So, we'll start off with the first one...

Nice and dry, but as I was really taking off with the software for eReading, I was suddenly overcome with a sense of deja vu.

Read below to better understand...

And that my friends, explains my oh so subtle smile. My 7th Language Arts teacher would be most proud of me. I still have the book I ordered that year.

A special thanks to Douglas Adams, for showing me that being nerdy and not fitting in was okay.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time Marches On...

"Reloj no marques las horas..."

I can remember in the movie, Selena Quintanilla's character complaining to her dad, "But I don't want to sing in Spanish!"

While the movie doesn't really have anything to do with this post (it's an interesting flick and should be required viewing for any South Texas resident), the lyrics do.

Lately, it seems I can't find enough time to do all the things I want to do. Shall I make a list?

1. Family
2. Work (homework)
3. Guitar
4. PS3
5. Blogging
6. Reading
7. Sleeping
8. Showering
9. A full night's rest.

Call me old, but damn if there ain't enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do, and just not have enough time. Obviously there are things that must be done every night. But what about nights when I gotta add to the list washing dishes, or running some other errand? It just doesn't happen.

Maybe I'm feeling a bit of stress from the packet I received in the mail just the other day. It's that time of year again, and in the next two weeks, I have spent from eight to twelve hours grading packets that have to be back in the capitol on an exact timeline. I've been an ass the last few years and put it off until the last few days, but a-ha the miracle of Internet allows me to profess my intention of maintaining a disciplined schedule of scoring said packets.

I guess I shouldn't complain. I love doing things with my family. The fact that my list is even that long is almost embarassing when I think back to the incident of a few days ago.

Ever have problems managing your time? Feel free to share.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

eBooks: Right or Wrong, Part III

So the recommendation has arrived...

But a brief word before I actually state it.

I've been reading various blogs, reviews, and up and coming tech stuff and it's overwhelming. At the recent CES, eReaders were basically the big thing and there were so many. It's kinda the hot novel tech item of the season and is still rising.

One blogger mentioned using a tablet for all it's features. This really caught my interest, as isn't that what the iPad is going towards, just sans the actual keyboard (which you have to pay extra to get?!!).

I wanted an eReader that was color (for my comics), played pretty much as many media forms as possible (text, literature, pictures, video, and music), and preferred touch screen. Damn, I wanted an iPad!

Or did I? My employer recently obtained new laptops for all the professionals and as such, were getting rid of the old laptops, Gateway M275's. Not exactly a bad ass machine, but for what I was looking for...

It has a stylus-operated touch screen, fold & swivel screen that converts it into a tablet, WiFi built in, and does...well...everything I wanted. It beat buying a watered down netbook. It beat a singular purposed eReader. The only shortfall? Battery. Sure, Steve Jobs mentioned that I'll eventually get to a power outlet to plug in, but 2.25 hours of batter life (that's without WiFi) is pretty slim, especially when your on vay-cay and not near a free outlet. Of course, not only did the Gateway beat the netbook and eReader in performance, but also in price. I dropped half a Franklin ($50 in layman's term) and even picked one up for my dear brother.

I've been reading the last few days, breaking in my library and building up my arms to read with a 5.5 lbs. book. Sure it's heavy, but I'm pretty sure my "tablet reader" will whip up on any netbook or eReader out there.

At least for now. I'll have gotten my money's worth in two years, then I can bug the wifey for a new, tool.


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Mr. Wendel eats Whataburger

I happened to be in San Antonio today, taking my son for some tutoring, and ran a few errands while he was in class.

Exiting the local Home Depot, I glanced to see a man approach the driver of a truck parked in front of my vehicle. The door quickly slammed shut and the man continued on, encountering me.

He approached me, and asked if I knew anyone who was looking for a hard working fellow with various carpentry and handy-man skills. My reply was simple, that No, I didn't; sorry. He then asked if I could help him to get something to eat for his wife and son, hinting at an offering of some change or a dollar or two. As per my usual habit during an encounter such as this, I proffered my usual response: I won't give you any money, but I'd be happy to buy you and your family dinner.

Fate is usually predictable and declines this offer, but Robert wasn't cheap; he was hungry.

He took me up on the offer and quickly made his way to the What-a-Burger located about a 1/4 mile away across the parking lots. He was about halfway there after I finished loading up my stuff, and I drove by him to ensure that I was actually going to meet him there.

He quickly offered a great many thanks and blessings, and I just smiled and replied, "No problem, glad to be of some help." I don't normally do this, and as mentioned earlier, my usual response elicits a negative response from the transient.

Robert easily suggested that I did not have to wait with him, but I said No, that's the price of a free meal: a conversation. As his food was prepared, he and I sat briefly and talked about his son (who's 7) and his wife (who is "a bit strange at times"). We didn't discuss how he arrived at his current situation in life; that really wasn't my business. We talked about how little work he got, barely making it at times, but always feeding his family somehow. He tried to work as much as he could get the work. Robert didn't like pan-handling, but he would do it to feed his family.

Our conversation wasn't very long, perhaps five minutes, but it did give me just an idea of how so many people live I was saddened by this, but also thankful for all that I do have.

When I shared this story with my son, I asked him what would he have done. "I would have given him some food, Dad, because he didn't have no money or anything."

I guess $18.45 can buy more than just a meal sometimes.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Social Networking with the Big G

I got into social networking, after really making an effort to avoid the whole shebang.

I have to say, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. As much as I enjoy getting to meet and reconnect with friends, sometimes it just ain't worth it.

Friends are worth it, do not misconstrue that. Family and friends first. But for all the enticing little extras that await you in the realm known as Facebook, I'm about past that. Really.

Google's powerhouse of apps and add-ons (I love me some Google Chrome Extensions). Google Wave and Voice kick ass. Period. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your view), many of my friends don't use Gmail. Yet. And these are basically my up close and personal friends. Not some schmo off the block who "wants to be friends".

Tomorrow, Google's announcing something big regarding the whole social networking hullabaloo. Keep your ears perked, come 10:00 AM PST.

As for now, I thought I'd go ahead and include a few articles, including this one and this one. reported this first, I believe, but PC World has a more in-depth write up. You decide.

[09 February 2010] Follow-up: So it was announced today. Google Buzz is the latest Google tool to pop out and be integrated within the Gmail application/website. Personally, I like the idea of having something like this within my primary email account. I've read many gripes about just having a regular ol' email account and I understand that. My thought on that is, "Turn it off". Don't utilize it if you don't want it. Easier than easy, but hey: the email account is free, so what's the problem? Not wanting to rant, I'll be checking this out in the coming week, so I'll let you know more afterwards!


Sunday, February 07, 2010

Stupid Sunday

On this day, there were many commercials vying for that memorable 30 second spot.

I have to admit, I was disappointed. The Bud commercials did their best to maintain, but I didn't see any improvement over previous commercials. I have great difficulty seeing them improve on the "Real Men of Genius" ads.

Worst two ads are below. Enjoy (or cry "Ear Rape!"). Whichever.

So Chrysler thinks that by doing the aforementioned items, makes you less of a man, eh? Perhaps one of the reasons why I don't care too much for Dodge cars (their trucks are something else...).

And last for today...

Now I like Danica. I think she's a talented lady. But this is just degrading. In more ways than one.

Comments always welcome!


Saturday, February 06, 2010

Personal Saturday

What a day.

I was fortunate enough to score some sweet tickets to the rodeo today, and even better, I would be attending with my wife, in addition to my good friend Tom and his wife as well.

I have to say, the rodeo itself it pretty cool. If you've never been, try it at least once. Watching these athletes (yes, that's what they are) go at it to perform their absolute best, often times with the aid of a horse and/or another person (think team roping or steer wrestling). Truly artistry in motion.

One point that may come up: animal cruelty. No animals were hurt today, but I can't comment on their comfort. I can say this however: In the event of Calf Roping (where the cowboy ropes the steer around the neck or horns, and then ties together three of the legs), there were two instances where the cowboy roped the calf, but instead of continuing, the rope was in an awkward position. This wasn't an illegal rope, but the cowboy knew that it wasn't the best for the animal, given the conditions. Sportsmanship. It wasn't about getting yours and not caring about the animals (because we are still going to eat those animals and wear their skin, right?).

The concert that followed was Tim McGraw. He put on a nice show and really got his groove on with singing. Not nearly as animated as other performers (I happen to favor Garth's antics), but I do like his catalog of songs. Got to talk musicianship and instruments with Tom, hold hands with wifey during those ballads. Good stuff.

Best part of the day, after coming home to the kiddoes? I started reading Heaven and Hell: My Life with the Eagles, a book by Don Felder. If you are an Eagles fan, you might want to check it out.

Best line so far?

"Pubert was, for me, an agony of teenage confusion. Hairs sprouted, bones grew, skin erupted, my voice broke, and all manner of alarming thoughts stole into my head. Ripples of heat would pass through my body at the very thought of a girl..."

Damn, sounds like seventh grade again.


Friday, February 05, 2010

Friday Funny: Jon Stewart on Bill O'Reilly

The title should say it all, but...

In case you missed it, you can watch the first part here. Please, make it a point to view the rest.

Irregardless of your political views, watching these two go at it.

Whatever your take, it was definitely funny for me.


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Comic Wisdom

It's not always that you can get a bit of wisdom out of a comic, but you never know...

I just finished this brief story arc titled Woverine: Snikt! The artwork is quite nice, by Tsutomu Nihei, a manga artist.

I can't the that the artistry is that awe inspiring. It's no Jim Lee, but it's quite nice seeing Logan portrayed as more of a skinny punk, as opposed to the hulking brute who metes out justice (or a form of it).

Of most interest was the closing line, a quote from Jim Morrison:
The future's uncertain and the end is always near.

Morrison's words may echo a quiet bleak outlook, but I think it more so enforces that mantra, "Carpe diem!" One never knows what lurks around that brightly lit corner, nor the darkness of the last office on the left.

When a badass like Logan is spouting off quotes, that tells you two things: 1) You are never too tough to well read, and 2) You had best listen to what the man has to say.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Marathon is Halfway..

Call it a footrace if you will, but it's been fifteen days since I committed myself to writing for thirty days straight.

I have to say, today was a bit of a breaking point. So easily could I have stayed on the PS3 and mindlessly play MAG without a second thought.

But I didn't. I really wanted to keep this commitment.

Something like this isn't easy, it's like a marathon. You start off slow and keep up the pace. You drive on, even if the desire to slow down or quit hits you.

Thanks for sticking with me through this journey. I promise you, I've got some stories building up. Really. Along with that, I'm closing in on the next biggish topic.


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

eBooks: Right or Wrong, Part II

So, our discussion continues.

As you can tell by the the various iPad articles and statements, it has been received by a most varied audience. Love it or hate it, it's quite interesting and will nonetheless cause the market to slightly shift (maybe more, too early to tell) to include tablets, such as this pictured Joojoo.

But what about eBooks? Perhaps one of the most interesting comments I read was from Steve Jobs, saying:

[responds to query about issue of battery life] You know there isn't...You end up plugging it in, you end up docking it, or whatever your going to do with it. It's not a big deal; ten hours is a long time. You're not going to read for ten hours.
Now, in his defense, this was right after the presentation, and I'm sure that the interviewer got the CEO of Apple johnny on the spot with his questions. It wasn't an attack but a careful probe. But it's not like Steve Jobs needs my help.

While most interesting, none of this helps the quandary of whether or not eBooks have place. So let's do this quick.

eBooks do have a place. As of right now, 2010, it honestly goes to a privileged bunch. You know who I'm talking about. The six-figure income family with disposable income; the poseurs with disposable income; or the wanna-be de rigueur, who will put themselves in debt just to look the part. Sure, there are exceptions to rules and this is no exception; snazzy collegians, die-hard readers, and solvent retirees (or near) may quite well partake in the early adoptions of these eBooks.

Price and battery life are the primary issues; secondary to that is the formats that the device will encode/decipher. The iPad goes for $499 USD for the base model (16 GB with WiFi) while the addition of 3G hardware adds $150 USD; the price goes up for additional storage. The Amazon Kindle goes for $259 USD, and the Sony Reader starts at $199 USD and goes up from there.

My friend said that while these are nice, they will never replace a good old fashioned book. I happen to agree with him. Something that has worked for over a millennium obviously works, and does so well.

So, now that leaves us with the recommendation.

That's for next time.


Monday, February 01, 2010

Random Bits for Monday

Nothing fancy going on, but I've got a commitment to make.

Looking for a new wallet. I like this Ben Sherman, and it's not too terribly priced. I've yet to find a wallet to replace my beloved Dooney & Bourke from years ago (navy with tan trim).

Currently playing MAG on PS3. It kicks ass. Seriously. FPS. 256 players (once you level up). Fun stuff.

Got to watch Sherlock Holmes. Damn, a fine movie. I won't say film, but better than many others out there.

Texas Hold-Em is addicting. Good thing the cash is totally fake. I hate you Zynga.
