Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rant: Cheating Sucks

Cheating sucks.

Cheating kids out of something sucks even more.

Cheating kids out of the experience in a developmental league to stoke your over-inflated ego, well, I think you know where I'm going with this.

As my brother and my bud reads over this (wifey doesn't visit too often...), they are probably thinking "Get over it finally..." Not quite that easy; you let me know when you son and his friends get robbed out of something. Sure it's a part of life, but dammit, my job as a parent is to stand up for them in times like this.

I did do that, in a most respectful way, after the game and in an attempt to keep it private (away from little eyes). I called to his attention the infraction to the rules, which is there to enable equal play for all the players. His initial response? "Hey man, I gotta go for the win." To answer your question, they are nine and ten year olds.

I cited the rules. And he gets mad. "Don't tell me about the rules. I'm the coach." We went to the same clinic man. "Don't step to me like this; it's ...." I could continue, but it gets pretty repetitive (different gym, different rules; asking the underpaid and ill-informed refs; etc.) until the last part.

Frustrated, I walk away, throw my hands in the air, and say "Whatever..." I'm a good ten fifteen feet away when I do this; he queries back, "What? Yeah, walk away; walk away."

The end of the season cannot come soon enough.

I haven't had someone actually want to go to fisticuffs with me...since high school.

Was I the bad guys about all of this? Then why the hell do I feel guilty?

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I think you did the right thing. It's not always easy to do but at least he knows that he should do better even if he doesn't choose to be a better example.