Sunday, February 07, 2010

Stupid Sunday

On this day, there were many commercials vying for that memorable 30 second spot.

I have to admit, I was disappointed. The Bud commercials did their best to maintain, but I didn't see any improvement over previous commercials. I have great difficulty seeing them improve on the "Real Men of Genius" ads.

Worst two ads are below. Enjoy (or cry "Ear Rape!"). Whichever.

So Chrysler thinks that by doing the aforementioned items, makes you less of a man, eh? Perhaps one of the reasons why I don't care too much for Dodge cars (their trucks are something else...).

And last for today...

Now I like Danica. I think she's a talented lady. But this is just degrading. In more ways than one.

Comments always welcome!


1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Yep, those Go Daddy commercials were just dumb,weak, and imbecilic ... I agree with you on the other one too. Why would anyone object to someone wearing socks to bed? If your feet are cold, wear them... the rest of the commercial was stupid, too.