Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Funny: Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect

...walk into a bar and order three beers each.

Name that book...

Give up? Are you close?

The picture is a hint at today's topic.

With the near conclusion of my eBooks: Right or Wrong series, this just felt like something to go with.

So, we'll start off with the first one...

Nice and dry, but as I was really taking off with the software for eReading, I was suddenly overcome with a sense of deja vu.

Read below to better understand...

And that my friends, explains my oh so subtle smile. My 7th Language Arts teacher would be most proud of me. I still have the book I ordered that year.

A special thanks to Douglas Adams, for showing me that being nerdy and not fitting in was okay.


Kristopher A. Denby said...

Cheers to that! People who just "fit in" are boring fops anyway!

The Mert said...

Fops, eh?

Thanks for the words, mate!