Monday, February 08, 2010

Social Networking with the Big G

I got into social networking, after really making an effort to avoid the whole shebang.

I have to say, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. As much as I enjoy getting to meet and reconnect with friends, sometimes it just ain't worth it.

Friends are worth it, do not misconstrue that. Family and friends first. But for all the enticing little extras that await you in the realm known as Facebook, I'm about past that. Really.

Google's powerhouse of apps and add-ons (I love me some Google Chrome Extensions). Google Wave and Voice kick ass. Period. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your view), many of my friends don't use Gmail. Yet. And these are basically my up close and personal friends. Not some schmo off the block who "wants to be friends".

Tomorrow, Google's announcing something big regarding the whole social networking hullabaloo. Keep your ears perked, come 10:00 AM PST.

As for now, I thought I'd go ahead and include a few articles, including this one and this one. reported this first, I believe, but PC World has a more in-depth write up. You decide.

[09 February 2010] Follow-up: So it was announced today. Google Buzz is the latest Google tool to pop out and be integrated within the Gmail application/website. Personally, I like the idea of having something like this within my primary email account. I've read many gripes about just having a regular ol' email account and I understand that. My thought on that is, "Turn it off". Don't utilize it if you don't want it. Easier than easy, but hey: the email account is free, so what's the problem? Not wanting to rant, I'll be checking this out in the coming week, so I'll let you know more afterwards!


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