Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hurrican Rita and more

Wow. San Antonio really got lucky, but I still feel for those that are dramatically affected by Hurrican Rita. Good thoughts and prayers to those affected.

My workouts have been productive. I've started added some running to my workouts; not too much, but for each lap, about 1/4 of it is running/light jog. I figure to lengthen the running portion of each lap every week or two. Just got to keep motivated.

I'm getting observed next week by my principal. Not too much of a biggie, but still on my mind. Lesson plans are done, so we'll see how it goes.

Will have a chance to play golf in a few weeks in a charity tournament down the road. I'm a bit excited. Tell you more later.

Last for today, I just wanted to wish Lisa and Ron happy anniversary, along with happy birthday to Nelson. Cheers to all of you.

See you later Darth Vader,


Friday, September 16, 2005


Okay gang,

I know it's been a while since my last post, and perhaps I should apologize. I've been a bit preoccupied lately.

Working on our new tablets have almost given me a recharge in the creativity department. I've started allowing my students today to input through the laptop and project their writings via LCD projector.

I've also begin working out in the evenings. During my trip this summer to Austin, I probably ate a bit more than I should have, but what the hell, it was summer and I was with my family. But nonetheless, this is something that I've been wanted to do for some time.

I've got a support system in place. Renee and a few co-workers are all in place to help me through those times when I get discouraged or want to cheat myself out of my goal. At this date, I've lost about ten or eleven pounds, but it's a goodstart towards my ideal weight goal.

What's really funny is how I've really been looking forward to working out. I don't do much; I've done some circuit training, but mostly it's been six laps at River Bend, about 3.6 miles in under an hour. I haven't thought about not working out, nor have I gotten bored with my workouts. I'm just excited about doing what needs to be done to slim up.

Speaking of slimming, I've really thought about the reasons for wanting to do this. First and foremost, I'm a bit vain, so I really want to look as good, if not better, than when I got married. Second, this will only help my golf game. A slimmer trimmer me will have a more effecient swing. And lastly, it will benefit my overall lifestyle and health. As you may know, my father and grandfather both have had heart ailments that dramatically affected their lives. I want to best avoid those ailments, and this only helps towards that. I know that building up good habits now can only lead to good habits and lifestyle in my old age.

Now, my only problem: my cd player is fine, but I'm almost to the point of a light paced jog. I'm looking at various MP3 players. I really like the new Apple ipod nano and even the ipod shuffle, but for as much as I would change the songlists, I would be pretty content with something to hold around 1.5 to 2 hours of music. I'm checking out the bargains at Wally world and Target, so if you know of any, feel free to suggest something.

Well, that's all for now. Pray for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.



Thursday, September 01, 2005

New News

Wow. It's been sometime since my last entry. I can't imagine someone would think that nothing has been going on lately, but it has.

Today was a training day for what are called PTC's. We met to have delivered our laptops. Very cool. I'm using a Gateway M275 tablet laptop right now. All The teachers at FISD are getting them. Its just part of our plan to really step forward with technology in the classroom.

To check it out, visit www.gatewaycom.

And Dad, don't freak out over the pictures. I did send them to you; they just returned due to a daemon or something. I ill try again later.

Cheers for now. My batty is dying.

