Monday, February 15, 2010

Playing Guitar...Some More

I got to play some guitar seriously yesterday.

Not too terribly often that I get to really jam with my buddy Tom, but when we do, we usually have a great time.

Yesterday was no different. I played rhythm while Tom cut a bit o' lead and Dylan got in on the action with a little drum. More so, I was amazed with the fills that he put in. Dyl-Man is becoming quite a drummer.

Basically, "Jenny Jenny" is turning out quite nice, but I was more impressed with how our improved "Hotel California" turned out. I've been working on some basic progressions with it just to sing and mess around with at the house, and Tom just jumped right in and we played it through, long ass solo and all.

Don Felder penned a great song with that one. I finished his book (with a pending review), and it's a worth read for any Eagle fan, but more so any music lover. Check it out it.

If not, just "sit back and enjoy the magic of rock!"

Eagles - Hotel California
Uploaded by hushhush112. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

Gawd, I love that song...



Anonymous said...

I await your review of this book as it is sitting on my dresser since sometime last year .heard him on sirius radio last year and he is pretty cool.It's sad when he said that Joe Walsh who had been a buddy of his would'nt communicate with him for fear of pissing the two main numbnuts off.I respect their musical ability but they are dip#hits as people.C

Marilyn said...

I enjoyed listening to them harmonize before they went on stage plus their song is great as well.