Monday, June 15, 2009

Wedding Quarters

"Do you?"

"Do you?"

"I now prounounce you..."

I'm sure that you can predict the rest of that sentence. It was an interesting weekend for me, that's for sure. While I did get to see a movie (see Kris's post about that here), it's more about the entire reason for my trip that I write.

A wedding. The joining of two people who deign to be together until the very end. For all that, it's funny how things work out.

I really won't bore with you details. This is more about me and a few select people remembering the time that we shared. If you feel lost, you may want to skip the rest. If you want to smile at the possiblities and still be lost, then keep on reading.

Top 8 Memorable Moments from the 6-15-09 Wedding:
Honorable Mention: Continously hearing farting noises (mouth generated)
8. Instructions on making scrambled eggs
7. Being corrected on how to speak to the drive-thru teller
6. Holding and comparing play swords that are sharp enough to cut your head off
5. Lenghty conversation about writing
4. Terminator Salvation with a good friend
3. Enchiladas con salsa verde
2. One dollar bill = 3 quarters
1. Marriage Union

What did you expect? Anyway, I didn't say the entire list was going to be super good stuff. I like to keep it real.

Final Quote: "An ideal wife is any woman that has an ideal husband." - Booth Tarkington

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I've been to only 4 weddings. One of them was just being held at our church and I kind of walked in on it and just sat down and watched. The other 3 I was actually invited to.

Grandma's a little unhappy with me, because I've told her that I probably won't ever get married, even if things end up going in that direction with the guy I'm currently involved with. Actually, Granddaddy knew way back when I was only about 20 that I probably wasn't going to get married. Combination of unpleasant memories and a refusal to make vows that I probably won't be able to keep.

Maybe if they changed the vows to say, "For as long as you both can stand one another," then I might get married. That's one I could keep, anyway.