Friday, June 12, 2009

Playing the Shill: AndreaMosaic

Okay, I'll do my part in the name of freeware.

Anyone who knows my knows that I love video and photography. I've never had fancy equipment until I bought my camcorder this year.

I digress.

It hit me today and I did a quick search and came across a how-to of sorts for photomosaics. This how-to suggested a few, and I clicked on the first one: AndreaMosaic.

Basically, I'm still learning the software, but anyone on my facebook saw my photo I posted. It's quite easy to get going, but probably takes a bit of practice to really master the finer points.

It's apparently named after an Andrea, but I don't know yet who she is. She simply asks that end users give her the props. There is a more bells & whistles version, the Professional, but I went with the basic.

To Andrea, thanks for what is thus far a great product. My son loves his picture (so does Mommy!).

Again, if you are considering doing something with that huge collection of digital prints on the hard drive, this is a great idea and a possible gift for Dad in the next few weeks.


Final Quote: "Photography is the beauty of life, captured. " - Tara Chisholm


Marilyn said...

Hmmmm, maybe I can figure something out with pictures of all of you kids for Mike's birthday. (I can call you kids, can't I? *giggles*) It is definitely not an easy thing to do to figure out gifts for your Dad especially when he doesn't drop any hints. LOL

The Mert said...

But isn't that typical? It's either too easy and there's no guess work, or their is a complete lack of ANY clues and you just shoot in the dark.

Have fun with that. It was easier to shop for him when he was hard core into fishing. Ask him about it if he ain't shared that with you yet.