Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Get It While It's Hot!

A great many of you readers are writers, and do so with great success.

Unfortunately for me, I've not quite had the success I'd hope to have when I was finishing college. I never really dreamt of going into a full fledged writing career. Sure, sports writer would be pretty cool, but I don't think I'd like my life dictated by a deep playoff run. Fiction has always held a grasp on me, but finding my voice and style has taken some time.

As I write this, I'm really hit with a decent idea that I think I can run with. I doubt that I'll do anything public with it until it's finished (and been proofed by at least three trusted individuals; you know who you are).

Why this post? Well, as I was telling my friend last week of some ideas that came and went, he simply pointed out: You got to strike when the fire is hot.

He was right. So, in essence, this is me putting my goal on paper. I will attempt to complete this short story by...oh crap. Do I really have to put a date up? Let's just say that I'll work on it everyday for the next four weeks. Goal is to write at least 100 words daily, if not more.

Wish me luck.

Final Quote: So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it. ~Harold Acton, Memoirs of an Aesthete, 1948


Lana Martini said...

I'm always telling my kids "write what you know!"

"You're life is a story and you are the author!" ~Zeno Zeplin

Jessica said...

Good luck! I have several ideas, but I've never actually written them out, except one, and I didn't finish that story. Lost my motivation.

Just out of curiosity, have you ever noticed how a story will sometimes write itself? It will sometimes go in a direction that you never intended, but you can't seem to keep from writing it that way. Any ideas why that might be?

Marilyn said...

First, I'm going to say 'Have fun' and then 'good luck'. I would think that enjoying it has to be a big part of it.

I'm not a writer at heart but I LOVE to read. Someone has to, eh? :-D I can write letters, though. I know that I'm good at that... LOL The only time that I've written things is for assignments.

Kristopher A. Denby said...

I will run with you on this one. As you know, I've got about five shorts already begun and about ten more ideas outlined. I will work hard alongside you to finish the one that is foremost in my mind right now, and we will compare notes. What do you say?

The Mert said...

That works brother. We can make it happen! Dreams do come true! Oh...!