Thursday, May 07, 2009

Risk Takers: Cheerleader Try-Outs

I didn't learn to take risks until later in life, but it's been a good experience for me.

I decided to help out with some cheer try-outs.

I helped out last year, and I offered my humble services again this year.  No, I'm not judging.  In fact, I can't really see anything; I'm simply a score tabulator.  I bust out my laptop and Excel and total and graph the scores.

I didn't try out for cheer leading, nor do I have any daughters.  My sister didn't try out for it either. It's pretty interesting to at least hear the girls do their thing.  

I remember being that age and to put yourself up for this...I take back EVERY SINGLE MEAN THING I ever said or thought.  Middle school-ers are really mean.  To take the chance to do something you might like...Wow.

For all those chances I didn't take in middle and high school, I look back and know I missed out.  Worried about what "they" might say or think.  Now, I could care less.  Velvet ropes have parted, valets have jumped to service.  Once you attain that freedom from other's judgement, you will have opened up the entire world.

So to all you cheerleaders, those that tried out, those that are trying out, those that are thinking about trying out...Do your best.  Regardless of what some jerk might/did say to you, I promise you this:  taking this chance will build upon your character.  You will be a better person for taking that chance.

Take a chance!  Vote on the survey, or better yet, leave a comment.  It's your chance...

Final Quote: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost


Kristopher A. Denby said...

This is relevant to me lately in so many ways. Thanks for the post. Good topic, and keen insight.

Keep them coming, Uniblogger.

The Mert said...

It's funny how things work out. I'll talk to you about it later.

Thanks for the comments!

Kristopher A. Denby said...

Now I am interested!