Thursday, May 14, 2009

Missed my Deadline!

I've been trying to maintain some sort of regularity on this writing thing, but sometimes life gets in the way.

Since Sunday, I've played Nerf Dart Tag (or Wars) with the boy, had numerous tickle-fests with the other boy, ridden bikes with the entire family (with other boy in tow), rocked out on guitar and on Rock Band, read half of a recommended book (The Road is quite bleak, Kris...), discussed networking in depth along with the state of the planet, spend nearly half a day (total time-wise) editing a truly bad-assed video for work (guitars, teased hair, and classic rock is about all i can say right now) and even sitting down with the wife for a nice quaint dinner (with the kids watch TV and eating french fries).

Honestly, I don't feel too guilty now that I look over the reasons why I haven't written.  This is exactly why I decided to step down as the head golf coach.  My family is a priority and I didn't uphold that truth for too long.

So here's the post.  Nothing fancy at all.  In fact, you'd be lucky to get any more hyperlinks, but I'm feeling kinda lazy right now.  I will say this: No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, take the time to simply appreciate the moment.  It truly is fleeting.

Best of it all, it doesn't meant that bad things won't happen; they will.  Take it all in stride and learn to appreciate those moments, as they impress upon us even more to inhale all our better moments.

Okay, here's a quick plug for one of my fav bands, REM.  Enjoy!

Final Quote: "...That's sugarcane that tasted good/that's what you are, that's what you could/c'mon c'mon no one can see you cry..." - REM


Icepick said...

Family IS the most important thing. I'd rather be with them, and if it means no writing, so be it :)

Marilyn said...

I've learned over the years that relationships are THE most important thing in our lives. The projects will still be there when our kids are grown and have moved away.

Jessica said...

Good to see you have your priorities straight. With that kind of thinking, and those kinds of actions, you'll be able to keep celebrating your anniversary with your lovely wife in the years to come.