Saturday, February 02, 2008

Rock On! It is announced...

"Rock Band Confirmed for Wii".
That's the caption for the brief article written by Shawn White over at a personal fav site of mine, The Wiire. I read this and just had to gather more evidence. I visit about every other day to update myself on our recent acquisition of a Wii. Love it. Read my review from earlier.

At this point, details are little, but it's appears as March get's closer, we'll have more news about it. I can only imagine the possibilities with the fully wireless Wiimote, guitars, drums, and mic. Whoo!

Now for those of you that don't know, Rock Band THE music game. If you are a Guitar Hero star, then this game will make you legendary. It's that good and more. A brief and quick intro.

The game (as I type this, I refer to the current 360 and PS3 versions) comes in a fairly large package, think double VCR box. In this comes the game, the current standard five-buttoned guitar, microphone, and a simplistic looking drum kit consisting of four head and a bass pedal.
I had the opportunity to play Rock Band over the holidays and it was quite an experience.

I had the chance to play with my two brothers and my second to youngest sister. I started off on the drums. A humbling experience to anyone without coordination, I fancy myself able to handle the challenge. Without intending to sound redundant, very humbling. My face hurt smiling so much. A raucous laughter broke through the house as my siblings would jam out with lighting accurate notes mixed with attrocious miskeys and warbled vocals.

Trying again, I took up the mic and this ended up being my forte. For whatever reason, I could really get into belting out song after song. My siblings and mother alike derived joy simply by watching me play out my Jon Bon Jovi fantasies of 1988 (Can you remember walking down the street singing "Shot through the heart, and your to blame; you give love a bad name!", eh Kris?). While the songs I knew presented little challenge, the songs I sort of knew but always mis-sang were more difficult, even amidst the karaoke-scrolling lyrics. There's even a meter to gauge your tone/key. It's rare that I've found a game to be so interactive, challenging, and simply fun for all that are simply present. Each player can even choose his/her own level to participate without messing up too often.

Playing with a group was my only opportunity, so I can only comment on group play. A friend chided me, "It can't be that fun alone." Perhaps not, but any game is more fun with a friend. Why would this be different? In fact, it's been argued that the drum portion, when set to Expert, would mimic that of an actual rock band's drummer. Not identical, but quite similar. The transition would be easily made.

I can't wait. You'll get a somewhat biased, but completely honest review here when it comes out. Rare do I say I'll buy it when it comes out, but this is one where I'll preorder and have it on Day

Need more, check out G4's really informative article at The Feed.


Kristopher A. Denby said...

Ah, yet another way for people with no talent to pretend they are somebody! LOL

The Mert said...

Don't be so MEAN!

It's about having fun, bro. It's not my life, but I would call myself a Rock Band fanboy, so I am stoked about the game.

When, and not if, I get it, I'll bring it up (or that's your excuse to bring the lady down on a road trip) and we can jam together.

Thanks for the post.