Monday, January 18, 2010

Nose to the Grindstone!

I got this blog going before I really knew exactly what and where I wanted to go with it. As such, it's been more so of a hobby and not something I've dedicated myself to consistently. And so here we are...

I've gotten some flack from my near professional writing buddy over at Sound and Fury along with some from my dearest brother.

"You need to focus on one topic"
"You need to write everday"
"You need to get your blog out there"
"You need to _insert your own reason_ "

Well, I guess I'm going to put this out there. For the next thirty days, I will post at least once a day. For the next thirty days, I'm going to do a blur of short writing. I've got in my mind what I'll do, and hopefully keep all five of you readers coming back for more. I've got a bit o' work to do...



nelly said...

FTW!!!! Epic++++

Blogging has made a great impact on our society and how it has influence pop and political culture and ideas!

Marilyn said...

Personally, I think blogging is about what YOU want to write. It shouldn't be about the expectations of others. One day, I'll write about the dog chewing up my night shirt and the next time I'll post something that I feel is inspirational. It's for me and if someone gets something fun or inspiring out of it....Cool. If not...SO? it's for me. Sometimes I blog every day and sometimes I don't.Just do what YOU want.