Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Lost Symbol Uncovers...

I just got done reading Dan Brown's latest, The Lost Symbol.

If you've read the last two Robert Langond novels, then you're probably familiar with the themes. This one isn't a let down. I found only one element to be only slightly predictable, but this didn't take away from the story. Quite enjoyable, a fast read, and not so easy to put down.

But that's not quite the point of this post. After attending mass today and listening to the homily (the preacher's sermon), I found myself eerily caught in what seemed to be deja vu.

If you desire to read the book, consider stopping here. You can't blame me for anything if you delve past this point without having read the book. Nuff said 'bout that.

It's about knowledge, the "word" that is presented to us and drives us to learn more, to seek out a higher meaning. For whatever reason, having finished this book yesterday combined with the homily given today at mass, the stars lined up for me. Maybe like a the antagonist, at times I've felt like I was looking for something. I'm not gonna get all mushy and gushy on you; I just feel like I've been hit with this empowering feeling.

I'm sure many would call this sacrilegious, but in the end, isn't it about receiving His word? For His glory? The gist of the book revolves around being hit with this knowledge and being cognizant of it. Hmm, kinda like those boring mornings where that old dude goes on and on. Moving on...

I enjoyed the book. Much like his last one, I found it to be an easy read, moved quickly and had nice turns. Got a bit bogged down towards the end, but not a back and forth as say Angels and Demons (still my fave of the three). I'd recommend it, but you have to make that decision for yourself.

In either case, I feel like I'm a better person for it.



Marilyn said...

I'm usually into lighter historical romances but I bet your Dad would be interested in reading it. We unwind just before going to sleep and read a bit. So, we're always looking for good books. Good to hear your recommendation.

Kristopher A. Denby said...

I may have to give this a try. How many books are you reading a week, boyo?

The Mert said...

I've been averaging a bit over one book a week. It'll fluctuate as my weekly workload does, but that's about average.

We gotta talk eBooks bro...