Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Funny: Failblog

I've been to this site a few times in the last few years, and for whatever reason, it never fails to at least get a smile on my face.

Obviously, it's not going to appeal to everyone, but I wouldn't call myself so callous as to just go out and ridicule someone for a slight oversight, but as you can see from the pictures, there are errors and then there are fails.

Ol' boy who didn't see the need to fasten his seat belt while performing a not so safe car maneuver, well, he's lucky he can watch the video...

You can check out more fails at


Anonymous said...

that was funny and he walked away.alls well that ends well.maybe not his underwear though.C

The Mert said...

Glad you enjoyed it.

Funny Fridays are something that is hopefully regular...

Thanks for visiting!