Saturday, March 20, 2010

Guilty Pleasure: Breaking Bad

It's not too often that I come across a show that I become engrossed in, but sometimes you find one with a truly interesting story.

Breaking Bad is an original series on AMC that I got hooked on about two years ago. The premise? Chemistry teacher gets diagnosed with terminal cancer, worries about his wife, unborn child, and handicapped son, and decides to start cooking meth.

"Whoa...!" you say. Yeah, obviously I really sped that up, but that's the whole thing of it. Imagine a dealer with scruples.

My wife laughs at the incredulity of the entire situation, but I wonder if it could happen. As a teacher, I seriously doubt that even a former teacher would go this route, but considering all the resources available to a teacher it's not that far of a stretch (but it's still a stretch). Even though I despise drug dealers, the storyline within this story really keeps me captivated

So, what are your thoughts about it? Stupid? Groundbreaking? Comments are always welcome.

If you've not had a chance to check it out, you can catch up at or start off on Season 3 beginning tomorrow night.


Icepick said...

I've seen it.

It's an excellent piece of drama. Intelligently plotted, great dialogue, poignant in places.

It fully employs the Heisenberg principle (in-joke!).

Great show.

nelly said...

Yeah, this episode is the one that is as real as it gets.....

The Mert said...

They showed that episode on Saturday during the marathon.

Damn sad what happened in the show, but what that's saying? "You can't make this stuff up."

If only that weren't true...

Thanks for the comments Nelly and Icepick!