Sunday, April 19, 2009

Playing Guitar: Barre None

It's been about six months since I starting taking playing guitar as a serious hobby, with the intent of learning to play proficiently.  

As my teacher has been adamant about, Tom set me on a course to learn some basic chords (GCD and ADE mainly) and the addition of some other easy ones that make their way into songs.

Probably a few months ago, we broached the subject of barre chords a while back, it wasn't until about five or six weeks ago that Tom actually worked out and game me the chords for a really sexy number by Keith Urban titled Raining on Sunday.  I haven't mastered it yet (about 50% or so) but it's given me some new life right before you hit that proverbial rut when you're
 learning something.

Of the many performances that drives someone to learn guitar, one that I remember vividly was by a performing troupe I was privy to watch during a lunch break while attending Our Lady of the Lake University (my alma mater!).  They were performing that week, along with visiting with students and such.  This particular day, they were in the cafeteria on the small stage (actually just an area cleared out really).  Two acted out the scene, but it was basically a really cool acoustic version of Jessie's Girl.  It was the mannerisms of it all; for whatever reason, the singer nailed it with the facial expressions and the enthusiasm as he played his role in the whole acting out.

As I've been working on the barre chords, I've discovered the way of power chords as well.  This has allowed me to really tap into a great many power chords and those kick ass riffs that you can recognize from ten years ago.  Licks from Heart, Pat Benatar, Rick Springfield, Weezer and more are working their way into my little repertoire.  
I'm definitely still learning and taking inspiration from many places.  Almost daily, I hear about the haters on video game forums about "ditch the plastic guitar and learn a real one."  Well, I did that.  But only after feeling elated for doing well on the plastic one.  If music inspires you, go with it.

Just like Andrés Segovia said, "Lean your body forwad slightly to support he guitar against your chest, for the poetry of the music should resound in your heart."


Kristopher A. Denby said...

Raining on Sunday was originally written and performed by Radney Foster more than ten years ago, and it is far superior. This kind of stuff pisses me off because often the songwriter's recording is the better one, but because they don't sell out stadiums their versions get passed over. Similar story with Bruce Robison's song "Wrapped". His wife Kelly Willis recorded the song several years ago and is WAY better than stupid ass George Strait's version.

Music industry kills me.

The Mert said...

I have to say, I love covers. They are a way of introducing a new audience to usually a good song. Not always the case, but it brings back an older flavor.

I understand your gripe, but in the end aren't we about spreading the music? I, for one, when I discover that it's a cover, will go back and research and listen to the original.

I feel a blog entry coming on...

Marilyn said...

I love music and those who sing, or make it in some form are really cool. I think it's really admirable that you have set your mind to learn an instrument. I took piano lessons when I was a kid but I never really developed that into a talent. I do love to sing, though.