Wednesday, April 22, 2009

YOU! Choose the topic...

Perhaps this is a way of garnering some readers, but I've got a few ideas that I'm developing. 

As those develop, I thought "Why not ask the readers what they want?"  I"m quite sure that the nine of you won't all say something, but I figure whoever gives that one idea that just sparks will have his/her article written out.

What will it be about?  You decide.  Want something risque?  A movie reviewed? Music critiqued?  How about some commentary on how the clouds haven't been quite as blue as in the past?  

You have the chance here to make it happen.  I guarantee you a full effort on the post.  Nothing shammed together to appease the cheap initiative; no, you will receive the full undivided attention for the post.

And now, I leave you with hopefully some motivating and inspiring words:

"Opportunity knocks at the strangest times, It's not the time that matters But how you answer the door." - Steve Gray


Icepick said...

I just want honest pieces of you :)

Bring that out any way you please. I have a fondness for movie reviews, book reviews etc, but I also like fragments of people's lives.

Kristopher A. Denby said...

I'm interested in new and developing technology. Also, if you have any naked girly pictures, that would be cool.


nelly said...

ok, since your a music aficianado and a techie aka geek, roll on this topic.

What do you think about how the influence of the internet change the way music is broadcast and distributed and is it better now than before. Do you think it diluted or strengthen the relationship between the musician and the followers?

BTW - I do like the snippets of your life. keep them coming!