Friday, April 24, 2009

The Message Changes Us

On my way to work this morning, I saw a marquee for a local church that read: We don't change the message; the message changes us.

I thought about that long and hard this morning.  I considered the messages that we are bombarded with every single waking moment of our lives.  Even my sons can quote various advertisements and annoyingly catchy jingles to me.

Do we acknowledge that what we read changes us? 

Sometimes, what we read makes us happy.  We get that fuzzy warm feeling, we treat others with a greater respect.  We simply become nicer persons.

Sometimes we read things that anger us.  We get frustrated and vent out words filled with rage, we flame out to lowly dissenters.  We become meaner people.

Not sometimes, but often, I see others doing things for appearances' sake.  Acting, responding in a way that belies their true take on life, individuals and groups alike often act in a anticipated "cool way".  As a teacher and parent I see these instances first-hand; it's even more embarassing when adults (myself included) do these things.

I guess that as this new week begins, as April is about to turn into May, hopefully we can look for any and all the positives in our lives that are there.  

Maybe someone will read this and...well, I can be hopeful at least.

Final quote: If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.  - Mary Engelbreit

1 comment:

Kristopher A. Denby said...

Excellent post, Dave. Short and sweet.