Thursday, October 09, 2008

Playing Guitar: The Start

I finally started taking guitar lessons.

This is actually something that's been in the works for about two years now, but seriously so for about the last six months.  The one thing holding me back?  Actually having a guitar.  And that's been the fruit of the argument for the last six months.

I have a friend named Tom.  Tom is quite a talented man.  He knows horses, breed Papillons, and is quite the music afficianado.  Tom has experience playing in bands for many years and knows ins and outs of playing.

Tom and I have been debating the whole acoustic-versus-electric guitar and I finally decided on the electric.  Why?  Well, it would be that most of the songs that really inspired me to learn to play are from electric.  Tom's contention is that acoustic is more forgiving and versatile; as such, it makes for a great starter.  My thoughts (and I fully agree with Tom's assessment) is that the motivation lies with a different style, and that the electric is harder to play, therefore honing my skills.  Either way, the decision was made and I was off and searching for guitars.

Tom, in the mean time, would meet with me about once a week outside of work and we would go over fingerings and chords, basic guitar-ology stuff.  He was kind enough to lend me a guitar in the meantime.  We also searched and slowly decided on an Ibanez package.  We looked at some Fender packages and some Epiphones, but in the end, we wanted a guitar that was going to be as much bang for the buck.  As I took home the borrowed guitar and showed my family.  My wife asked me about buying that one, but I replied that it wasn't my place to ask something like that.  Fate worked her wonders and low and behold, Tom ended up offering to sell the guitar to me for what I believe to be a really awesome price.

In any case, I know have a guitar that I think looks awesome, and slowly building up some serious fretting skills.

Maybe not quite serious, but you get the picture.

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