Saturday, March 21, 2009

facebook: I'm almost addicted

"I don't need those...I have real friends."

I don't know how many times I've said this when asked about using mySpace or facebook.  The fact is that I guess I never really gave it a chance (or kept an open mind).  I've had numerous discussions about it with mainly younger people and the biggest attribute that I couldn't discount was keeping in touch with long-distance friends.

And here we are today.  No, I don't have a mySpace (my space still continues to be anything within my arm's reach of me), but I just set up a facebook account Friday.  I was...specatacularly surprised by how enthralled I became with it.  I just kept coming upon friend after friend that I had not spoken to in years.  Obviously there were friends that I regularly visit with, but this was a common avenue with so many more.

Perhaps it's the newness of it all, but I find myself anticipating logging on and seeing what's new with my friends.  I doubt that I'll be one of those that post eight times a day, about every little turd I drop, and about the dumb ass driver that cut me off and almost made me spill my machiato.  I like how some people (I'm actually referring to Kelley this time...) post simple succint things, such as "Would give anything to be outside, soaking up the sun and sxsw atmoshpere."  It's the bits like that that really cause you to 1) appreciate that person for who s/he really is; and, 2) take the time to consider that person's perspective.  Using the same example, I got to enjoy the outside and soak up some sun due to my coaching duties, but I've been stuck in the classroom all day on beautiful days and had golf practice on dreary wet cold days as well.

I conversed with one friend who was in my wedding and haven't verbally spoken to in perhaps two or three years.  I conversed with another friend with whom I haven't spoken with in over ten years.  I hooked up with a few peers I just hung out with hours prior.  In the end, facebook proves itself as a viable tool (yes, valauble tool) for maintaining social networks (I can see personal and professional uses here...).  Will it change my life?  I doubt it; it definintely cannot change my son's diapers or pick up pizza for me.  But it will enable me to simply share a few words with some far away friends.  

To quote Shakespeare: 
The are but wild and whirling words, my Lord. - Horatio, Hamlet I.V.133

And that's what it's about I guess.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

You made me giggle when you described how some manage to post every time they 'drop a turd'... LOL It does seem like that for sure. I'm not one of them but it does help pass the time at the switchboard to read what is going on with friends that I actually know. Personally, I like Myspace more but it's about like comparing apples to oranges. I used to blog on blogspot but I just put it on Myspace now. I had 2 whole readers on blogspot. I don't know how many read on a regular basis but I don't blog for that reason anyway. Friends from college and others I've found on Facebook. I've met them all face to face or they are family who I plan on meeting face to you. :-D About 1/3 of my friends on Myspace I've met face to face. But, I have a lot of friends who I communicate with just like we did in the "olden days" when we had 'pen pals'. Once in a blue moon I pop around to a few of my blogspot friends who were on myspace. It can definitely get addicting.