Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Love of My Life

I've always loved my wife. I've always been in love with my wife. But lately, I've tried to really focus on that love, that intangible thing that connects us and makes us appreciate one another.
To set this up, read through the lyrics.

Why do birds suddenly appear

Every time you are near?

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you.

Why do stars fall down from the sky

Every time you walk by?

On the day that you were born

and the angels got together

And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moon dust

in your hair of gold

And starlight in your eyes of blue.

I love The Carpenters. An almost guilty pleasure, but no guilt. It's just clean and wholesome.

There's a few episodes of The Simpsons, and when Homer looks at Marge, this songs is played, showering them in this wonderous glow. I often times am Homer-esque and forget how wonderful she really is. I forget to tell her those simply things. I take advantage of her genorosity and her tidiness. Most of all, I don't always let her know how fouled up (you can use other words here) my world would be without her in my life. I thank God for every moment with her and for the moments to come.
I love you, oh sweet wife of mine. As our anniversary approaches, I hope you realize how much I truly love you and all that you do for our family.
Happy 11th, Honey.