Thursday, May 01, 2008

Follow-Up: Samsung Juke

I've had this phone for close to six weeks now, and perhaps it time to write that follow up.

I like it. I really do. The phone works quite well. Even amidst typical Texas wind, the caller can still hear my voice well. I can't always hear them, but eh...

After having the phone for about two weeks, I arrived at a very strong conclusion: the sleeve that came with the phone sucks. No better word for it. Does it offer a modicum of protection? Sure. The trade off? Silicone is really not slick; things don't just slide right off. In my case, the phone would ring and I would have to 1) get the phone out of my pocket (silicone and jeans don't just slide around easily), and then 2) get the phone out of the sleeve (again, not easy; could be done, but at great risk of tearing the sleeve) unless I wanted to speakerphone it (yeah, let's share that conversation with the proctologist). I missed a great many calls because of this. My solution? A clear snap on face-plate. One of my golfers has this on his flip phone. I bought one at the Verizon store and haven't looked back. Love it.
The phone is really easy to use. I've download a few things, but perhaps the coolest of them all is the V-Cast Song ID. You can actually determine a song's artist and title by having the phone listen to about ten seconds of audio. Really cool.
I like it much right now. My only concern is the sturdiness of the primary hinge. It's not loose, but again, it's just a concern.

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