Sunday, November 28, 2010

Aaaaaaannnnnd...I'm back.

A six week sabbatical was all I needed, although I didn't think I needed it, I did.

Family time, work, and some guitar playing was interrupted by some dental work, some serious reading, and a little bit o' turkey and dressing.

Our local football team did't finish quite as well as we'd have hoped for. We've had a few cold spells come through which is nice, and...

Damn if this don't sound like talking to your Granny right? Well, let's get started quick and dirty:

  1. Dental Work - This stuff is stupid expensive, but I will pay it, lest I look like a snaggle tooth hillbilly deluxe (no offense to any hillbilly readers out there).
  2. iTunes - They got the Beatles finally, but there are still some hold-outs. Big news? Perhaps, but it def caught my attention.
  3. Corn Mazes - Third visit, and it's always a trip.
  4. Kindle 3 - Over 600 books on mine (many of them the free ones). Def worth it, but this is easily another post.
  5. Shopping. At WalMart. At Midnight. On Black Friday. - Oh yeah, it happened.
So that's the quick and dirty version. Plan is to elaborate on these guys through this week and give you plenty of reading material leading up to and through December.

Want to hear about something, let me know.



Kristopher A. Denby said...

Glad you're back, brother. I need to hear about that Wal Mart trip, but maybe you can find room to tell us what the hot electronic gifts are for the season. Anything TV/PS3/BluRay related will do.

Just a thought.

Also, I think it's time you started reviewing some of these books you've been reading, son.

Might like to hear about those corn mazes, too.

That's it for now. TA TA.

Marilyn said...

I know about the dentist expense up close and personal. Mine feels that my acid reflux has doomed my lower teeth so I "get" to have lower dentures when my insurance kicks in next year. It will still cost a load...Blech. I had to have one on top pulled this past year and felt like one of those snaggle toothed hillbillies... LOL I was calling it my Mrs. Billy Bob look but your Dad didn't like being looped into being Mr. Billy Bob... giggles so I amended that to Ms. Hillbilly. LOL