Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Life Interruptus

One of my favorite lines from a particular artist goes like this:

With an iron-clad fist, I wake up and French kiss each morning...

I'd like to think that I live this way, but I probably don't much of the time. I have been working to embrace certain things more, shifting my priorities to where they should be.

Why the confessional? Well, I guess I feel guilty to a few of you readers (all eight of you) that I haven't continued my story. In all honesty, my fairly new PC is on the fritz right now and I'm on the phone talking, going into my third hour with the tech support.

So, the story is hopefully just a few days away from continuing. In the meantime, help me out here. What do you think about Declan, Moira, and Leila? Opinions?

Basically, offer your take on what's there. Or not. Either way, hopefully, I can get the "Unrequited" train back on track and rolling in a few.

Thanks for coming by and we'll be seeing you soon.


Kristopher A. Denby said...

Dude, you just have to keep writing. Screw what anyone thinks. The characters have to mean something to you before they can mean anything to anyone else. Dig?

I am into the story. You've gotta give me some more to chew on. Now get your ass to work, boy!

Icepick said...

I'm enjoying it so far.
There was some lack of clarity in the first posts, but that seems to have cleared (no pun) up now.
Let's see where it goes.

But I'm with K.A: you need to give some preamble. We have no idea what we're getting into. We want to know :)