Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays)

I believe it was a few years ago when I posted about the hullabaloo about saying "Merry Christmas" as opposed to a more PC greeting, "Happy Holidays".

I have a young lady in one of my classes and after a quite friendly and informative discussion, I discovered that her family doesn't celebrate many (for that matter any) of the Christian holidays.  Without divluging any personal information, her family worships a different religion.  When I asked if she could share some more about the what's and how's of her religion, she kindly explained.  Quite simply, she stated, it's not about the gifts; it's about doing work for Him, in His honor.  I was touched by the succint and yet full explanation of this.

Why tell you the story about this person?  She was able to reach into my black crusted heart of tolerance and peel back one of those layers.  I now have a new found respect for those that may not celebrate Christmas, but celebrate His love and ideals in other ways. 

As my sons opened their gifts and my wife hers, I considered what this young person shared with me, and quite frankly smiled.  It's not that I was so proud of myself, but that I was glad to have spent the eleven or so hours in the car driving 667 total miles start to finish to be with loved ones across the state of Texas.

Kris and Alton, I love both you guys.  You took time out of your busy schedules to share a bit of time with me during this hectic season.  Tell Kelley and Danielle (your respective wife) thanks for me as well.

Grandma, I love with all my heart.  I enjoyed your hospitality, but more importantly, your company.  Our conversations remain close to my heart.

Mom, a many thanks.  It was good to see you and the kids and Chris.  As crazy as our times together can be, they are truly priceless.

Nelson, you've shown me proof that change is possible, and in many cases, inevitable.  You told me that this is perhaps the best Christmas in quite a few years.  I think it's a reflection of the changes you've made in your heart that has brought you these rewards.  I love you bro.

So to all of you out there, may you be touched my His grace.



Anonymous said...

Dude you got me in Danielle (my wife) thinks I am married to some chick named Michelle. Thanks A Lot

One Love
aka Gizzard
Aka Big Popin
Aka Big Daddy Pope
Aka Dollar Dollar Bill
AKA the Popinator

The Mert said...

I have no clue what you are talking about.

Who's Michelle?

Okay, I edited it. My bad...I still love you, but I guess I love Michelle too.

I got love for Danielle, but is she as cool as Michelle?

Anonymous said...

I know that they all were glad that you traveled to spend time with them. As it happened, we didn't get to go see any of my extended family except for Thanksgiving....maybe in the spring when my youngest brother's wife is feeling better. She was in the hospital for a bit with diverticulitis and we usually all go to her house. We still had a nice Christmas just the two of us but I always like to share with the extended family. Glad you made it home safely.


Kristopher A. Denby said...

Hey, man, I'm just counting my blessings that (A. We get to talk and hang from time to time and (B. That I would have the honor of even being on your list of destinations (even if by proxy).

Love you man!