Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Playing Guitar: Not so easy

Tom is quite proud of me.  My callouses are building up nicely.  

It's been almost two months since I started really practicing playing guitar, and it's been going quite well.  

I don't know everything; it's almost frustrating to not be able to play certain songs because I can't play certain chords well.  I'm having most of my troubles with F and B chords and barre chords.  But, being able to play my little collection is still rewarding.  In fact, playing a few songs, my wife even sang along (she sings a bit better than me some might say).

My wife was so proud when I took that sheaf of papers and organized it into a little black folder.  Close to thirty songs, they are basics.  I'm also learning some solos, but they aren't as easy as the performers make it seem.  Such artistry and talent, I've yet to reach that potential.  Still, I was able to impress my wife's nephew with the riff from "Beat It".  

Duh-da-da-da-duh; duh-da-da-da! Duh-da-da-da-duh; duh-da-da-da! 
"They told us 'Doncha ever come 'round here...Don't wanna see your face; you betta disappear..."

Fall Out Boy's version is okay with John Mayer, but doesn't touch the original.  

White glove is optional.


Anonymous said...

It's really cool when you can learn any instrument. I took piano lessons in grade school but I'm still only a one finger player...well, maybe one hand. But, still, I admire anyone who sticks with it and practices to play for their own pleasure or even beyond! I actually have a site here on blogspot but I haven't been faithful to it lately except once a few days ago...


The Mert said...

It's truly a gift being able to learn to play.

Not easy, but that's one of the best parts.

Thanks for the comments!
