I just had a birthday one week ago. In the weeks leading up to it, I found myself in a bit of a quandary. Quite frankly, I wasn't quite as happy with how I was looking. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm quite the handsome devil, but from a strictly physical standpoint, I could stand to shed a bit of blubbery goodness.
It wasn't anything that snuck up on me; it was there all along. And while I have begun making changes to address my earlier mentioned quandary, I found myself today deep in thought and really going through the priorities in my life.
Maybe it was an epiphany. Maybe it was the endorphin saying "Move faster fatty!". Maybe it was something more significant considering the proximity to Dec. 25. Whatever. Message received.
I thought about the material things in my life, because I've got my share. I thought about the friends that I have, that I have had, that have come and go in my rather short life. I've had challenges and cake-walks in various avenues of my life. But for all of that, it's help me become the person I am today (fat jokes all aside here folk...).
I hope that wherever you read this, whatever stage in your life you may be in, and whatever higher power you may speak to (or not), take in a moment and, without it being a cliche, realize that it very well could be worse.
Thanks for visiting. Maybe like my buddy, I can regain my blogging chops and post more regularly. But then again, priorities first.
As you go forth, I simply leave you with a very humble yet moving quote:
Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. ~Norman Vincent Peale