I just finished reading my buddy's latest and final entry for 2010, and it was the impetus I needed to go ahead and get a few words down on this last Friday of the decade.
Today's words? Short and Sweet. Down and Dirty. Hard and Fast. Okay, that may be a bit much, but you get the gist.
- Santa Run 2010 - I must be getting old, as the trip was as good as usual, but I got hit with some road-lag or something, because after 400 miles, I was simply tuckered out and not myself. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, but was sad that my son, looking to make a sort of initiation, couldn't make the trip due to illness. Aside from that, visiting with my siblings and their respective spouses was a great joy. The lunch and conversation with my grandmother and a dear friend of mine really goes to show. Not a bust, but way too many problems this year.
- Fantasy Football - As I have in years past, I partake in a college pick 'em league. Really simple: pick the winners each week, drop your lowest week, and largest total wins. Came in second last year (Shawn's picks just outdid me in the final three weeks), but this year I came out on top. It was a frisky few final weeks, but two points is two points. Shawn? He came in second. It was a fun league and I look forward to next year's competition.
- Kindle - I don't want to spoil the full entry that'll probably come in a few days, but basically, this singular device has enabled me to read more than I have in the last few years. Don't get me wrong, I've read my share, but this device is, quite frankly, so easy and handy to have around, reading is simply that much easier. But more later...
- Playstation Move - Santa was pretty nice this year, and I splurged on the Move. So easily put, it's the Wii that's been jacked up on Steroids and enabled with sniper vision. It works so easily and eliminates all the annoyances that the Wii had (I still have and enjoy the Wii, just differently). The 1:1 ratio of movement tracking really can create some tired arms, but it's a lot of fun. Watching my son take care of his little animal on EyePet is quite hilarious. More after further testing...
That's it for now. Yeah, I know...nothing really substantial. That's okay. In fact, this holiday, I've spent more time really trying to focus on the little things. Paying attention to my kids and what makes them smile and laugh. I guess it's those little things.
As this year closes, wherever you are and whom ever you share the entering year, make it a step forward in the right direction.